As you enter the year 2017, it would be a great idea to define a distinct personality for your target audience. This is because connecting with a real personality is much easier than a fuzzy “target market.” For example, let’s suppose you sell clothing. Define your ideal buyer’s gender, age, location, income level as well as behavioral characteristics. Know her likes and dislikes down to the minutest details and give her a name to complete your profile.

One great way of helping you develop your buyer’s profile is through call tracking. With analytical reports you can gain insights into basic customer demographics as well as keyword usage. In this way, you know exactly what words your customer likes and dislikes and can target your ads appropriately. Sticking to our clothing example, you find that you need to market to Sarah who is around 30 years old, works in a bank and lives in New York City. Sarah is very social and likes to shop around before making a final decision. She likes to talk and get feedback before making her purchases.

Once you have a clear picture of your brand user’s personality, the next step is to match your brand with the personality of your target user.  In the above case, if you have a website, you could consider keeping an “online assistant” for Sarah who can help her choose an ideal outfit for her. Sarah enters her color and style preference and the online assistant returns to her a list of all items available in the category. The assistant also offers Sarah help with other aspects of her life. For example, if Sarah is buying bridal dresses, then the assistant can help her plan her wedding. The idea is to personalize the marketing message as far as possible.

You could have two very different personality types as your target market but in this case both need to be clearly defined.  For example, as a clothing store you may choose to market to “Tom” who has very different behavioral characteristics compared to Sarah. In this case a different marketing channel and message needs to be used for the two different personality types. With call tracking and recordings, you are able to differentiate your marketing pitch based on the different personality types.

The future of marketing your brand lies in personalized, tailor made marketing. Businesses who offer generic products and seek to appeal to everybody will find it tough to survive the emerging business reality.