Whether you’re a seasoned Marketer or new to the field, the following fifteen tips will help you as you proceed on your journey. These tips are equally valid for small…
Each business has a unique raison d’etre (reason for existence). For example, Firm A may be a charity working towards alleviating poverty in a certain area while Firm B may…
When Harry met Sally, an interesting movie was made and when Marketing met HR, an interesting learning organization emerged. Marketing and HR have traditionally been two separate disciplines. However, organizational…
The first step in devising a successful marketing strategy is alignment of marketing effort to business goals and target audience. For example, if you are marketing walking sticks to senior…
The first step in building a beautiful content marketing garden that generates convertible leads is to define your target audience. The audience description needs to incorporate basic features such as…
Before embarking on a discussion of how to market discounts, let me caution you about the usage of discounts. Discounts may give your product an image of low quality. Would…
If you want to set-up a small business, but giants dominate the industry of your choice, can you still survive? The answer is a resounding “yes.” There are some basic…
When you apply for a new job, do the people with strong ties to you prove more helpful or those with a weak link? Counter to what you may feel…
It’s the weekend and you’ve had a very busy day shopping. Around 1.00 p.m. you are feeling extremely hungry and must stop to eat. You spot two new restaurants right…
Should you market only to a niche audience or should you spread your message across channels for maximizing return on investment (ROI)? Do you advertise using only one channel or…