To communicate to the web service you will need to request the following URL as a web service URL using your programming language.

Web Service URL:

Web Service Type: SOAP

After establishing the connection via the web service you will call the following functions to get the required data.

Web Service Methods

Method Description
visits_data To get visit data for Google, Yahoo and Bing
visit_call_detail Get call data for visits by using keyword
linksource_data Link source visit data
linksource_call_detail Call details for link source visits
call_summary Summarized calls data by keyword
call_summary_detail Call details for summarized call data
matched_search_calls All matched search calls
post_session_calls Post session calls
lite_campaign LITE campaigns
all_lite_calls All Avid Lite calls
lite_campaign_call_detial Call detail for specific Lite campaigns
show_client_summary Agency client list
show_group_client Show client groups
Visit Data

Method name: visits_data

Parameters to pass:

Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
filter Fixed values for search engine: gppc = Google PPC gseo = Google Organic yppc = Yahoo PPC yseo = Yahoo Organic bppc = Bing PPC bseo = Bing Organic
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave the string blank in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default it is FALSE
Field name Detail
keyword Visit keyword
visits Total number of visits for the keyword
calls Total number of calls for the keyword
tracking_number Tracking number / dialed number
group Campaign group
campaign Campaign
adposition Ad position
match_type Keyword type
first_visit_datetime First visit date and time
last_visit_datetime Last visit date and time
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: keyword,visits,calls,tracking_number,group,campaign,adposition,match_type,first_visit_datetime,last_visit_datetime some keyword 1,76,15,8881234567,,,,broad,2011-12-17 19:31:36,2012-12-15 12:42:44
some keyword 2,513,27, 8887654321,,,,broad,2011-09-19 08:19:03,2013-02-12 19:22:14
some keyword 3,386,95, 8881234567,,,,broad,2011-09-19 08:18:08,2013-02-11 07:30:44
some keyword 4,2,0,8887654321,,,,broad,2011-09-19 08:19:24,2011-09-19 08:21:11
some keyword 5,18,4, 8881234567,,,,broad,2011-09-19 08:16:43,2013-02-11 08:41:10


  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <result>
<keyword>some keyword 1</keyword>
<group>group 1</group>
<campaign>Camp 1</campaign>
<first_visit_datetime>2011-12-17 19:31:36</first_visit_datetime>
<last_visit_datetime>2012-12-15 12:42:44</last_visit_datetime>
<keyword>some keyword 2</keyword>
<group>group 2</group>
<campaign>camp 2</campaign>
<first_visit_datetime>2011-12-17 19:31:36</first_visit_datetime>
<last_visit_datetime>2012-12-15 12:42:44</last_visit_datetime>

Error Response in Comma Delimited:


Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>


Visit Call Detail

By using this function you will get the call details of the specific keyword listed in the result of “visit_data” method. These details can be obtained by providing the keyword and filter in the parameters.

Note: the filter should be same as that used in visit_date method to get the data.

Method name:  visit_call_detail
Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
filter Fixed values for search engine: gppc = Google PPC gseo = Google Organic yppc = Yahoo PPC yseo = Yahoo Organic bppc = Bing PPC bseo = Bing Organic
keyword One keyword obtained using visit_data method
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
caller Caller Number
searched_keyword The keyword searched
duration Call duration
tracking_number Tracking number
adid Ad ID if available
visit_datetime Matched visit date time
call_datetime Call date and time
recording URL of recording if applicable
difference Difference in visit time and call time (you need to enable this feature to get this data)
unique_id Unique ID of analytics
caller_city Caller city
caller_state Caller state
utm_source UTM Sorce
utm_medium UTM Medium
utm_content UTM Content
adposition Ad Position
match_type Keyword type

Correct Response in Comma delimited format:

caller,searched_keyword,rating,support_call,duration,tracking_number,adid,visit_datetime,call_datetime,recording,difference, unique_id,caller_city,caller_state,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_content,adposition,match_type

3051234567,some searched keyword,,,8881234567,,2011-12-17 19:31:36,2011-12-17 20:31:47,0-day 01:00:11,,458338,MIAMI,FL,google,ppc,res,,broad

3471234567, some searched keyword,,, 8881234567,,2011-12-18 10:32:23,2011-12-20 15:30:23,2-day 04:58:00,,308376,BROOKLYN,NY,google,ppc,res,,broad

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <result>

<searched_keyword>some searched keyword</searched_keyword>
<visit_datetime>2011-12-17 19:31:36</visit_datetime>
<call_datetime>2011-12-17 20:31:47</call_datetime>
<difference>0-day 01:00:11</difference>


Error Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <detail>
<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>


Link Source Data

Method name:  linksource_data
Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default it is FALSE
Field name Detail
link_source Visit keyword
visits Total number of visits for the link source
calls Total number of calls for the link source
domain_id Link source ID
first_visit First visit date time
last_visit Last visit date time

Correct Response in Comma delimited format:

link_source,visits,calls,domain_id,first_visit,last_visit,23,0,240367546757,04/10/2012, 01:01:04,11/29/2012, 15:44:04,50,7,512085525629,07/11/2012, 08:10:55,02/01/2013, 09:11:52,1,0,749466037368,12/16/2012, 10:00:31,12/16/2012, 10:00:31

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<first_visit>04/10/2012, 01:01:04</first_visit>
<last_visit>11/29/2012, 15:44:04</last_visit>

<first_visit>07/11/2012, 08:10:55</first_visit>
<last_visit>02/01/2013, 09:11:52</last_visit>


Error Response in Comma Delimited:

Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <detail>
<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>


Link Source Call Detail

By using this function you will get the call details for the specific link source listed in the results of “linksource_data” method. These details can be obtained by providing the domain Id in the parameters retrieved from the data of the “linksource_data” method.

Link Source Data

Method name:  linksource_data

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
domain_id Domain id get from linksource_data method
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
caller Caller Number
duration Call duration
tracking_number Tracking number
visit_datetime Matched visit date time
call_datetime Call date and time
difference Difference in visit time and call time (you need to enable this feature to get this data)
recording URL of recording if applicable
caller_city Caller city
caller_state Caller state
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: caller,duration,tracking_number,visit_datetime,call_datetime,difference,recording,caller_city,caller_state 2702526603,00:07:28,8775775451,2012-10-02 23:18:19,2012-10-03 13:02:26,0-day 13:44:07,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<visit_datetime>2012-10-02 23:18:19</visit_datetime>
<call_datetime>2012-10-03 13:02:26</call_datetime>
<difference>0-day 13:44:07</difference>
<recording>Not Available</recording>
<caller_city>Not Available</caller_city>
<caller_state>Not Available</caller_state>

Error Response in Comma Delimited:

Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>


Call Summary
Method name:  call_summary

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get the specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
keyword Caller Number
link_source Call duration
calls Tracking number
first_call_datetime Matched visit date time
last_call_datetime Call date and time
visit_datetime Difference in visit time and call time (you need to enable this feature to get this data)
match_type URL of recording if applicable
Correct Response in Comma delimited format:
keyword,link_source,calls,first_call_datetime,last_call_datetime,visit_datetime,match_type sample keyword,Google PPC,6,2013-02-07 06:16:16,2013-02-09 11:12:26,2013-02-07 05:14:30,broad keyword 2,Google PPC,4,2013-02-05 14:23:27,2013-02-09 13:45:16,2013-02-05 13:21:27,broad

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<keyword>sample keyword</keyword>
<link_source>Google PPC</link_source>
<first_call_datetime>2013-02-07 06:16:16</first_call_datetime>
<last_call_datetime>2013-02-09 11:12:26</last_call_datetime>
<visit_datetime>2013-02-07 05:14:30</visit_datetime>
<keyword>keyword 2</keyword>
<link_source>Google PPC</link_source>
<first_call_datetime>2013-02-05 14:23:27</first_call_datetime>
<last_call_datetime>2013-02-09 13:45:16</last_call_datetime>
<visit_datetime>2013-02-05 13:21:27</visit_datetime>

Error Response in Comma Delimited:

Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>


Call Summary Detail

By using this function you will get the call details of the specific keywords listed in the results of the “call_summary” method. These details can be obtained by providing the keyword and link source in the parameters.

Method name:  call_summary_detail

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
link_source Link source contained in data set of the call_summary method
keyword One keyword obtained from call_summary method
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
caller Caller Number
keyword Keyword
searched_keyword The keyword searched
duration Call duration
tracking_number Tracking number
visit_datetime Matched visit date time
call_datetime Call date and time
ppc_organic Display whether PPC or Organic call
search_engine Google, yahoo or bing
recording Recording URL
caller_city Caller city
caller_state Caller state
utm_source UTM Sorce
utm_medium UTM Medium
utm_content UTM Content
adposition Ad Position
match_type Keyword type
Correct Response in Comma delimited format:

caller,keyword,searched_query,duration,tracking_number,visit_datetime,call_datetime,ppc_organic,search_engine,recording,caller_city,caller_state,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_content,adposition,match_type 5624326161,keyword 1,search keyword 1,00:12:25,8881234567,2013-02-06 20:31:38,2013-02-07 12:15:59,PPC,google,,LONG BEACH,CA,google,ppc,res,Not Available,broad 6145045555,keyword 2,search keyword 2,00:07:18,8881234567,2013-02-07 05:14:30,2013-02-07 06:16:16,PPC,google,,PLAIN CITY,OH,google,ppc,res,Not Available,broad


  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<keyword>keyword 1</keyword>
<searched_query>search keyword 1</searched_query>
<visit_datetime>2013-02-06 20:31:38</visit_datetime>
<call_datetime>2013-02-07 12:15:59</call_datetime>
<caller_city>LONG BEACH</caller_city>
<adposition>Not Available</adposition>

Error Response in Comma Delimited: startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error Error Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <detail>   <startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate> <orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby> <message>Error</message> </detail> Matched Search Calls Method name:  matched_search_calls Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
keyword Keyword
searched_query The keyword searched
caller Caller Number
duration Call duration
tracking_number Tracking number
visit_datetime Matched visit date time
call_datetime Call date and time
difference Difference between visit and time and call time
ppc_organic Display whether PPC or Organic call
search_engine Google, yahoo or bing
recording Recording URL
city Caller city
state Caller state
direction direction
unique_id Unique ID of analytics
utm_source UTM Sorce
utm_medium UTM Medium
utm_content UTM Content
adposition Ad Position
match_type Keyword type
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: keyword,searched_query,caller,duration,tracking_number,visit_datetime,call_datetime,difference,ppc_organic,search_engine, recording,caller_name,city,state,direction,unique_id,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_content,adposition,match_type keyword 1,search query 1,6613804338,00:16:32,8881234567,2013-01-29 13:58:09,2013-01-29 15:07:48,0-day 01:09:39,PPC,google,,Not Available,LOS ANGELES,CA,inbound,696141,google,ppc,res,Not Available,broad keyword 2,Not Available,8475504326,00:04:31,8881234567,2013-01-30 09:46:26,2013-01-30 12:55:40,0-day 03:09:14,PPC,google,,Not Available,LAKE ZURICH,IL,inbound,418767,google,ppc,res,Not Available,broad Note:
  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)
Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<keyword>keyword 1</keyword>
<searched_query>query string 1</searched_query>
<visit_datetime>2013-01-29 13:58:09</visit_datetime>
<call_datetime>2013-01-29 15:07:48</call_datetime>
<difference>0-day 01:09:39</difference>
<caller_name>Not Available</caller_name>
<city>LOS ANGELES</city>
<adposition>Not Available</adposition>
Error Response in Comma Delimited:
startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>

Post Session Calls

Method name:  post_session_calls

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in per page and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
caller Caller number
duration Call duration
tracking_number Avid number / tracking number
date_time Call date and time
recording Recording URL if applicable
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: caller,duration,tracking_number,date_time,recording 904511111,1,8881234567,2013-01-10 - 01:45:14, 918311111,1,8881235687,2013-01-17 - 07:13:00, Note:
  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)
Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<date_time>2013-01-10 - 01:45:14</date_time>
<date_time>2013-01-17 - 07:13:00</date_time>
Error Response in Comma Delimited:
Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>
Lite Campaign
Method name: lite_campaign
Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in per page and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
affiliate_id ID to be used in campaign call detail
title Campaign Title
tracking_number Avid number
forward_number Forwarding number
calls Number of calls
number_of_comments Number of comments
summed_duration Total call duration
average_call_length Average call length
first_customer_number First caller number
first_call_datetime First call date and time
last_customer_number Last caller number
last_call_datetime Last caller date time
status Campaign status
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: affiliate_id,title,tracking_number,forward_number,calls,number_of_comments,summed_duration,average_call_length,first_customer_number,first_call_datetime,last_customer_number,last_call_datetime,status 1110,Mobile Advertisement,+18661234567,8661234567,7,0,12,00:01:09,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available,Active

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<title>Mobile Advertisement</title>
<first_customer_number>Not Available</first_customer_number>
<first_call_datetime>Not Available</first_call_datetime>
<last_customer_number>Not Available</last_customer_number>
<last_call_datetime>Not Available</last_call_datetime>
Error Response in Comma Delimited:
startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error
Error Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>
Lite Campaign Call Detail Method name: lite_campaign_call_detail

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
affiliate_id Affiliate ID retrieved from lite_campaign method
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in the mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in per page and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
caller Caller number
call_date Call date
call_time Call time
call_duration Call duration
tracking_number Tracking number
caller_location Caller location
caller_city Caller city
caller_state State
recording Recording URL if applicable
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: caller,call_date,call_time,call_duration,tracking_number,caller_location,caller_city,caller_state,recording 6038015417,2013-02-13,11:08:43,00:00:31,8661234567,Not Available,MILFORD,NH, 6038015417,2013-02-13,11:09:37,00:00:17,8661234567,Not Available,MILFORD,NH, Note:
  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<caller_location>Not Available</caller_location>
<caller_location>Not Available</caller_location>
Error Response in Comma Delimited: startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error Error Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <detail> <startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate> <orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby> <message>Error</message> </detail> All Lite Calls Method name: all_lite_calls Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in the mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in per page and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
campaign_name Lite campaign name
tracking_number Tracking number / avid number
call_date Call date
call_time Call time
caller Caller number
duration Duration
recording Recording URL if applicable
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: campaign_name,tracking_number,call_date,call_time,caller,duration,recording Campign Name,8661234567,2013-02-14,11:10:41,2091234567,00:00:35, Note:
  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)
Correct Response in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<campaign_name>my test campaign</campaign_name>

Error Response in Comma Delimited:
startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error
Error Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>

Agent Client List
Method name: show_client_summary

Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
client_id Client ID
client_user_id Client user id
client_email Client email
pro_recording Pro recording status
lite_recording Lite recording status
pro_preamble Preamble on PRO numbers
lite_preamble Preamble on LITE numbers
pro_numbers Total PRO numbers
lite_numbers Total LITE numbers
unassigned_numbers Un-assigned numbers
avid_numbers_status PRO number status
total_visits Total visits (PRO)
pro_calls Total calls (PRO)
lite_calls Total Lite calls
remaining_balance Remaining balance
pro_call_duration Total call duration on PRO numbers
lite_call_duration Total call duration on LITE numbers
date_created Client created date
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: client_id,client_user_id,client_email,pro_recording,lite_recording,pro_preamble,lite_preamble,pro_numbers,lite_numbers,unassigned_numbers,avid_numbers_status,total_visits,pro_calls,lite_calls,remaining_balance,pro_call_duration,lite_call_duration,date_created 1764,testdemo,testdemo,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,00:00:00,00:00:00,2012-07-23 03:50:40 1838,kams,kams,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,00:00:00,00:00:00,2012-09-18 04:58:07

  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)

Correct Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<date_created>2012-07-23 03:50:40</date_created>
<date_created>2012-09-18 04:58:07</date_created>


Error Response in Comma Delimited:
startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error

Error Response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate>
<orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby>
Agent Client Group List
Method name: show_group_client
Parameters to pass:
Parameter name Details
pin code Numeric pin code provided by AvidTrak This parameter must contain valid PIN Code
startdate Start date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format This parameter must contain valid date in mentioned format
enddate End date in “YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” format
orderby Provide fieldname from field list below to sort data. By default it will sort by “calls” if you leave blank string in the parameter
ordertype “asc” for ascending and “desc” for descending By default its asc
perpage Numeric value to get specific number of records By default its 20
page Numeric value to get records of specific page number if you use “perpage” By default its 1
xml Pass TRUE to get response in xml format Pass FALSE to get response in comma delimited format By default its comma delimited
use_paging If you do not want use paging set this parameter to FALSE, else set it TRUE to get specific number or records as mentioned in perpage and page parameters. By default its FALSE
Field name Detail
group_title Group Title
client_count Total client count in group
rec_pro PRO recording status
rec_lite LITErecording status
preamble_pro Preamble on PRO numbers
preamble_lite Preamble on LITE numbers
pro_numbers Total PRO numbers
lite_numbers Total LITE numbers
pro_calls Total calls on PRO numbers
lite_calls Total calls on LITE numbers
pro_call_time PRO numbers call duration
lite_call_time LITE numbers call duration
Correct Response in Comma delimited format: group_title,client_count,rec_pro,rec_lite,preamble_pro,preamble_lite,pro_numbers,lite_numbers,pro_calls,lite_calls,pro_call_time,lite_call_time test,5,2,0,test,Not Available,5,1,13,2,25,10 Note:
  • First row in the result set is field name
  • Each row is separated by “\n”
  • Each column is separated by comma (,)
Correct Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <result> <data> < group_title >1764</ group_title > < client_count >testdemo</ client_count > < rec_pro></rec_pro> < rec_lite>0</rec_lite> < preamble_pro>0</ preamble_pro> < preamble_lite>0</ preamble_lite> < pro_numbers>0</ pro_numbers> < lite_numbers>0</ lite_numbers> < pro_calls>0</pro_calls> < lite_calls>0</lite_calls> < pro_call_time>1</ pro_call_time> < lite_call_time>0</lite_call_time> </data> </result> Error Response in Comma Delimited: startdate,orderby,message Start date is not a valid date time,Order by is not valid,Error Error Response in XML format: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <detail> <startdate>Start date is not a valid date time</startdate> <orderby>Order by is not valid</orderby> <message>Error</message> </detail>

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