Setup Business Hours And Holidays

Setup Custom Business Hours & Holidays

  • Business Hours and Holidays can be customized by location.
  • Hours of operation can be setup for single or multiple businesses. For example, if an entity owns and operates multiple companies, the system can be customized to setup different work hours for each company.
  • Custom rules may be implemented on how incoming calls are to be routed based on each location.
  • Custom greeting and messaging may be incorporated for work hours versus off-hours and holidays so that customer experience remains intact.
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Setup Rules for Call Routing for Off-hours & Holidays

  • Provide option for caller to connect to off-hour/holiday business representative
  • You can direct caller to voicemail that is specific for off hour or holiday
  • Get real time alerts for voicemail and call back requests
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FAQs about business hours, after hours & holidays

Is it necessary to setup business hours and holidays?

If business hours are not specified, then the contact center software will assume by default that your business operations run 24/7, 365-days a year. This means that calls will flow into your business continuously.

Are there any charges for setting up and using Business Hours, off-hours, and holiday feature?

There are no extra charges for use of software. The functionality is part of your subscription package.


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