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Setup White Labeled Agency Platform.

We offer a Free Trial and No Credit Card is Needed for Trial

Add hundreds of Clients to the Agency Platform.

Call Forwarding

Assign Individual User ID and Password to Each Client

Track calls from Offline Ads in Print, Radio and TV

Track calls from Mobile & Online Marketing spend in SEM,Facebook, Display and other marketing channels

Integrate call data with Google Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Adwords, Marin Softwar and Salesforce

see pricing

Implementing Keyword Tracking for your clients’ SEM campaigns is simple

AvidTrak-Agency Platform is Built from the Ground up to Support the efforts of Search Engine Marketing Agencies

  • Setup your client’s AvidTrak Account
  • Add JavaScript tracking code on your Client’s web pages
  • Apply Google/MSN Tags to your ads
  • Assign Call Tracking Numbers to your marketing channels
  • View your reports hourly, daily, weekly or monthly or setup automated Email Reports

Setting up your Clients’ Call Tracking Accounts to track calls from Offline Advertising spend in Print, Radio and TV is Easy

  • Acquire and setup call tracking numbers with Recording, Greeting, Voicemail, IVR and Email Alerts
  • View Reports Online or Setup Automated Reports delivered via email.
  • Pay for Call Tracking or setup accounts that allow your Client to Pay directly

Setup Hundreds of Individual Accounts through your Agency Platform

Get Started with tracking calls from your Mobile Campaigns

Get Started with tracking calls from your Mobile Campaigns

  • Acquire and setup Mobile Call tracking numbers with Recording, Greeting, Voicemail, IVR and Email Alerts
  • View Reports Online or Setup Automated Reports delivered via email.

AvidTrak-Agency Platform is also amazingly good at tracking calls from Display Ads

  •  Display Ad Call Tracking Accounts within Agency Platform
  • Track Calls back to the Ad Creative, Publisher and Ad Network that created the Call
  • Utilize Customized Tags in Display Ad to route calls to specific call centers

Display Ad Call Tracking Accounts within Agency Platform

Call Tracking Accounts with Integrations into Adwords, Google Analytics, Adobe and Marin Software

Integrate and Report Phone Call Conversions into: Adwords, Google Analytics & Universal Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst and Marin Software

  • Report phone conversions into Google Adwords
  • Use AvidTrak integration with Google Universal Analytics or Adobe SiteCatalyst to see phone conversions and path to conversion.
  • Optimize your phone call conversion bids on Marin Software

Setup delivery of Automated Account Performance Reports using API, FTP or Email

  •  Setup and send out daily, weekly or monthly performance reports to your .Clients
  •  Deliver reports to Clients via Email, FTP or API without paying extra

API, FTP and Email Reports

Clarifications on Pricing for Call Tracking Numbers & Minutes

AvidTrak Numbers come packaged with Call Tracking Software which comprises of a hosted software solution. The call tracking service is a prepaid service which is offered on a month-to-month basis.

Our service fee structure is broken up into:

  • Monthly recurring charges for phone number rental
  • Talk time minutes for inbound phone calls

Monthly Recurring Charges for Phone Number Rental

The phone number rental is collected in advance every month on the 1st of the month. We do not refund monthly rental fee after it has been deducted from your account.

Talk time Minutes for Inbound Phone Calls

Charges for talk time on the phone use accrue daily. Your account will be charged for the amount of talk time incurred by you.

AvidTrak Solves Call Tracking Problems!

Problems  Solutions

Does the AvidTrak JavaScript tracking code interfere with Adwords conversion tracking or Google Analytics tracking?

AvidTrak does not interfere with Google’s tracking code. JavaScript tracking script is unique to each account and can be placed easily on your web pages by any web developer. Example of JavaScript tracking code is shown below. The code is to be placed at the bottom of the page just before the closing </body> tag

Can the same tracking code be used for Paid Search as well as SEO Keyword Call Tracking?

Yes! The AvidTrak JavaScript is a Universal tracking script which tracks clicks from Search (Paid and Organic), Display and Referral Sources which send you traffic.

How many call tracking numbers would I need to start my call tracking?

We recommend that you get at least 1 number per each visitor per hour. For example if your Adwords campaign generates 100 clicks over 10 hours you would need at least 10 tracking numbers.

To get a more accurate average hourly traffic flow rate you may refer to your Google Analytics account and look at hourly traffic rates.

How much should I expect to pay for Keyword Level Call Tracking?

You would pay for your monthly phone number rental plus phone talk time. AvidTrak Pricing is very competitive and we offer a free trial as well.

I have more than 1,000 keywords in my PPC Account but 10 keywords are responsible for more than 70% of the clicks and ad spend. Is it possible to track calls only those 10 keywords instead of every keyword?

Yes. With AvidTrak you may choose to track all your or only a selected set of keywords.

Implementing call tracking for a targeted set of high value keywords allows you to focus your attention on only those keywords that incur you the most expenditure.

Can I track Organic Keywords? If not then what are my alternatives?

Organic keywords are increasingly being masked by search engines. An alternative strategy that is available to SEO specialists is to derive which page and combination of pages thereof lead to phone calls.

By using call tracking numbers specifically for the purposes of page visit URL tracking an SEO specialist may gather valuable data on which web pages act as entry pages and which pages are call conversion pages.

All the features of our competitors but at a Quarter of the Price

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Call Tracking Region:

We Pair With Your Marketing Tools

AvidTrak connects to the tools you use to save you time and automate mundane work.

The power to engage billions of customers on a global scale

With our platform and your ideas, you can focus on the marketing that matters.

Millions of interactions across channels with 99.999% uptime

Choose from thousands of phone numbers in dozens of countries

10,000+ businesses trust AvidTrak for communications with enterprise-grade security


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